Celebrities With Dental Implants - Good Samaritan Dental Implants

Celebrities With Dental Implants

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Dr. Chad Curtis

Dr. Chad Curtis

June 30, 2021

Dental implants look amazing and function like the real deal. They also bring a certain amount of perfection to your smile. In fact, you’ll find plenty of celebrities with dental implants these days. Which celebrities have dental implants? Many celebrities with full dental implants,  well-known athletes, singers, actors, actresses and stars with dental implants have all opted for dental implants for various reasons. For some, occupational hazards led to artificial teeth. For others, cosmetic dentistry like dental implants combined with dental veneers created the bright smile needed to elevate their celebrity status. 

Ed Helms

Rit-dit-dit-it-do! Ed Helms hit it big when he joined the cast of “The Office.” However, it was during the movie “The Hangover” that his dental implant entered his professional life. Helms removed his implant for the role, showing a professional devotion to his job. 

Chris Rock

This standup comedian invested in himself after his role in “Lethal Weapon.” The majority of that investment went into his smile, including dental implants. His comedy work may have put him center stage, but he uses his celeb status and winning smile to promote his political ideals. 

Mike Tyson

This one’s no surprise. Chipped, broken, and missing teeth are an occupational hazard for prizefighters like Tyson. Dental implants were one way for Tyson to maintain an attractive (and functional) smile throughout and after his career. 

Christie Brinkley

The super model’s natural smile lit up magazines for years. However, an accident that left her with damaged molars led her to dental implants as a way to preserve her pearly whites. Her artificial teeth blend perfectly with her natural teeth for a smile that’s still (enviously) photo-worthy. 

Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler had an accident while on tour with Aerosmith. However, same-day dental implants let him get back on stage within a day or two. Thankfully, modern implant technology lets more than celebs meet important deadlines and tight schedules and look great doing it. 

Kathy Ireland

A little fun and frivolity went awry for Ms. Ireland, landing her with missing teeth and a broken nose. Turns out kids’ wagons can be dangerous if you’re not careful. However, dental implants preserved her smile and the famous businesswoman and model’s distinct look. 

Howie Mandel

Mandel claims he can’t tell the difference between his natural and artificial teeth thanks to dental implants. In his case, and with many dental implant patients, the dental implants function better than his natural teeth ever did. 

Taylor Hicks

Taylor Hicks wasn’t always as confident in his smile. However, dental implants replaced his two front teeth after a childhood accident, making sure his first impressions are bright ones. Implants helped him capture audiences on his way to a season five “American Idol” win. 

Jerry Rice

Professional athletes put their bodies to the test. Consequently, injuries are bound to happen. That’s what landed pro-footballer Jerry Rice in the dental implant camp. At this point in life, none of his natural teeth remain. That winning smile comes thanks to dental implant technology

Nicholas Cage

Actors can go to extremes for a part. Nicholas Cage’s commitment to his work borders on obsession, with him extracting teeth to fit a role. Afterward, it took a serious amount of dental work to get the straight, gleaming smile known and loved by fans today. A combination of dental implants, veneers, whitening, and alignment make his smile unforgettable. 

Hillary Duff

Who knew that chipped teeth were an occupational hazard for actresses? As it turns out, they are. Hillary Duff had a combination of veneers and dental implants put in to fix chipped front teeth after an accident during a rehearsal. You would never know to look at that picture-perfect grin. 

Final Thoughts on Celebrities with Dental Implants

Celebrity or not, any number of issues like poor dental health or an accident can lead to tooth loss. Dental implants offer a (beautiful) permanent solution. Call Good Samaritan Dental Implant Institute at 561-833-6880 to schedule a free consultation. Not only will you get treatment from an experienced team, but you’ll also get a lifetime of care. Every Good Sam dental implant patient gets free yearly follow-up appointments for the life of their dental implants. 

Dr. Chad Curtis

Dr. Chad Curtis

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